Generic Cameras

The generic camera platform allows you to integrate any IP camera or other URL into Home Assistant. Templates can be used to generate the URLs on the fly.

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Home Assistant will serve the images via its server, making it possible to view your IP cameras while outside of your network. The endpoint is /api/camera_proxy/camera.[name].


To enable this camera in your installation, add the following to your configuration.yaml file:

Configuration Variables

The URL your camera serves the image on, e.g., Can be a template.


The URL your camera serves the live stream on, e.g., rtsp:// Can be a template.

This parameter allows you to override the name of your camera.

Microsoft Generic Camera Driver

The username for accessing your camera.

The password for accessing your camera.

Type for authenticating the requests basic or digest.

limit_refetch_to_url_change boolean (Optional, default: false)

Limits re-fetching of the remote image to when the URL changes. Only relevant if using a template to fetch the remote image.

content_type string (Optional, default: image/jpeg)

Generic Camera Installer

Set the content type for the IP camera if it is not a jpg file. Use image/svg+xml to add a dynamic SVG file.

The number of frames-per-second (FPS) of the stream. Can cause heavy traffic on the network and/or heavy load on the camera.

Enable or disable SSL certificate verification. Set to false to use an http-only camera, or you have a self-signed SSL certificate and haven’t installed the CA certificate to enable verification.


In this section, you find some real-life examples of how to use this camera platform.

Weather graph from

Windows Generic Camera Driver

Local image

You can show a static image with this platform. Just place the image here: /config/www/your_image.png

Sharing a camera feed from one Home Assistant instance to another

If you are running more than one Home Assistant instance (let’s call them the ‘host’ and ‘receiver’ instances) you may wish to display the camera feed from the host instance on the receiver instance. You can use the REST API to access the camera feed on the host (IP address and display it on the receiver instance by configuring the receiver with the following:


Image from HTTP only camera

To access a camera which is only available via HTTP, you must turn off SSL verification.


Live stream

To access a camera that has both a snapshot and live stream URL, utilizing the stream component.

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